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Thank You, Karma
20 March, 2006 * 11:02 am

My sister and her two men weren't able to come to visit this weekend, as my bro-in-law contracted pink eye. He's never had it before, and at age 39, has gained the nickname "Crusty" (from me, at least). We'll reschedule for a weekend in the near future, and I hope he's on the mend. He's gotta stop poking around neighbor kids' eyes then finger his own. Let that be a lesson to him. Poor Crusty.

While I was looking forward to seeing the fam, the weekend wasn't a total loss. Non and I did some cleaning and home improvements, this time in the form of building retaining walls around the bushes in the front of the house, and Jason put up trellis-type woodwork to cover the gap between the bottom of the back deck and the ground. Our dog has been trying to get under there lately, so we thought it would not only be functional, but sorta decorative. Since the deck and the trellis are two different colors, we'll be painting the whole thing uniform, but that's for another weekend. Other weekend activities included: taking walks on the greenway while it was still sunny and nice out, wandering around the new mall, having dinner with friends at a great Thai place, meeting up with a girlfriend for sushi yesterday, doing several loads of laundry, and having some good sex. (too much information, Mom?)

The pooch is still on the mend, despite having yet another pocket of fluid forming around her knee. I took her in to the vet this morning, he felt around the knee, and told me to keep an eye on it. As long as it doesn't get any bigger, he seems to think it should be fine. He ordered me to call him tomorrow to give him a report, and I decided that would be fine, as I just realized that the vet surgeon is kinda cute.

I will reluctantly admit that for the past few days I've been alternately grumpy, easily annoyed, and/or weepy. No, PMS time it is not. Not sure what it's all about, but on Sunday the world was conspiring against me to ferociously piss me off. First, Non and I went into our Jenny Cr@ig appointment, having taken the very first appointment of the day so they couldn't get behind, but they still took someone before us! What should've been a 30-40 minute appointment turned into almost an hour and a half. Next, after working out 6 days this week and being supremely confident that I would lose big, I stepped on the scale to find that not only did I not lose big, but I GAINED almost a pound. Then, we went to a local sporting goods store where I bought a new sports bra. I purposely got a certain brand because there was a big sign saying that brand was 25% off, but it didn't ring up on sale. I pointed this out to the cashier, who called the manager, and after a few seconds, the cashier told me, "it's okay, he's gonna give it to you anyway." ExCUSe me? I wasn't trying to pull a fast one - THEY were the ones who put up a big sign saying SALE. I was so pissed that I asked for the manager to come down so I could walk him over and show him the sign, but Non kept nudging me and teling me "it's okay, Honey" with a wink, which, quite frankly, only pissed me off more. Once we got outside, Non explained that the doofus at the register took 25% off a different item instead of my sports bra; thus, our discount came to almost $20 rather than the measley $5 we would've gotten for the bra. I was sufficiently satisfied (finally), and we drove away smiling.

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Due Date: Yesterday - 07 May, 2007
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An Unlikely Pairing. - 18 April, 2007
And the Beat Goes on - 16 April, 2007

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