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Going our Separate Ways.
06 May, 2004 * 1:02 pm

We're having a FRIENDS finale party at our place tonight. Note to self: hit the market and buy munchies and some alcohol.

In all honesty, I've not been loyal to FRIENDS since SURVIVOR began, but I've been catching up on this season these past few weeks -- we've been recording SURVIVOR and watching it at 9:00 because my friend, Lisa, a fellow SURVIVOR fanatic who comes over to watch it with us, has had to work until 9:00 for the last month.

But, I do feel some genuine something over the finale. Sadness? Grief? I'm not sure what, but I AM sure it stems from the fact that FRIENDS came on the air while I was in college, and the lives of the characters mimick my own (albeit, rather loosely). I feel like they *could* be me and my friends, and to come to the point where everyone moves in different directions (which, really, is bound to happen) reminds me of past friends circles I've moved away from.

So, good luck, my FRIENDS. You will forever live at my house in the form of DVDs.

I also must admit that I'm just as excited to watch SURVIVOR (we'll tape it) after the finale. Traitor? Perhaps.

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