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14 January, 2004 * 1:13 pm

Some advice I heard recently is resonating with me today: don't wait to do the things you love.

There will always be something you can insert in the phrase, "I'll get around to it after _________." It may not EVER be convenient to start working on turning your dreams into reality, so if you really want to see them come to fruition, move your ass. No matter if you're only able to chip away at it, or if you can afford to do a lot all at once... the point is, you'll doing something.

For some reason, I've been doing absolutely nothing about it lately, and I really don't like to admit that. Non is so supportive of my dreams -- he encourages me to keep working at it, and he tells me my dreams are important to him -- and I believe him. This should make me feel wonderful because, let's face it, it's nice to have support from your partner. But because I've been doing nothing, dreamwise, in the past several months, I feel terrible and guilty... like I'm letting Non down for not achieving what I've always wanted.

The thing is -- I can't put my finger on what's holding me back. Laziness? Certainly to some extent. But, I don't think that's all there is to it. Must I figure out what my hidden issue is, or should I simply plow through it and hope it goes away? Or is my lack of motivation simply due to my lack of action? Do they feed off each other?

I feel like a dog with her tail between her legs -- I like to think that, generally, I'm a go-getter. So, when it comes to what's really important to me, why am I not going and getting?

This is One Lazy Baby. - 09 May, 2007
Due Date: Yesterday - 07 May, 2007
Misery - 30 April, 2007
An Unlikely Pairing. - 18 April, 2007
And the Beat Goes on - 16 April, 2007

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